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2014-04-20 13:06:58


越来越多英文网站开始报道、讨论、支持萧宏慈的拍打拉筋自愈法,只要用Paidalajin或Hongchi Xiao就可以在Google 搜到大量专题报道。这是其中之一。





    “萧老师的理念是:我们不需让他人来治愈我们自己。自己的健康必须自己做主,达到人与自然的和谐,通过调节自己的身体与自然保持一致,这就是道。这样,我们每个人都将成为自己的神医。”——Good Guy,自愈法:萧宏慈的拉筋伸展运动。











    资料来源: http://empowured.com/xiao-hongci-stretching-slapping-self-healing/



Xiao Hongci Stretching & Slapping Self Healing


Posted by B. on Oct 20th, 2012 in health, Inspiration


 Master Xiaos philosophy is that we dont have to wait for someone to heal us. We must take full control of our health and live in harmonious relationship with nature. The Tao way. The natural way in which one adjusts ones body to match with natures way. In this manner, each of us will be our own doctor. Good Guy, Self-healing : Lajin stretch and exercise by Xiao Hongchi.


    Here is a good website with more details:



   Xiao believes that we are masters of our own health and that everyone can become his or her own healer. To promote these simple techniques and to enable people to self heal, Xiao has authored such best-sellers as Journey to Cure, and E-Dao Lajin and Paida Self-Healing Techniques. He also frequently appears in TV and radio shows, newspapers and magazines in the Chinese mainland, Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore. He has been traveling to major continents delivering over 100 speeches. The thousands of patients Xiao has cured suffer from all kinds of diseases, and they vary in their backgrounds, from common folks, to celebrities and the Tibetan Tulku. In poor and remote areas like Tibet and Qinghai, Xiao stayed for months in temples and villages curing diseases and teaching people how to self heal.


  Ironically, the only problem now is that many find it too good to be true.


   Notwithstanding torrents of doubt, criticism and pressure, Xiao remains optimistic. He believes that one day, when the efficacy and application scope of these self-healing techniques far exceed that of modern medical practices, they will inevitably revolutionize and transform the commonly accepted mode of medical practices that dates back over millennia, and the more recently established medical and drug industries. Eventually, it will push people to rethink about their own health management, how they live as individuals, and how they interact as members of families and society, and with the nature, consequently helping to advance human civilization.


   Source from: http://empowured.com/xiao-hongci-stretching-slapping-self-healing/



tags: 自愈 健康




