
印度朋友Pandit Rasik Hajare 弹奏锡塔尔琴, 一种古典乐器,音箱“大肚子”由红南瓜制成。
像我一样,他也是拍打拉筋爱好者,传播拍打拉筋自愈法理念与方法这件事情,随时随地都可开练。因搭乘国际航班,新结识了一位服装设计师同时也是艺术家的朋友,他的尼泊尔籍母亲有伤病的双膝需要做些拍打。大巴孟买之行,让我有机会向随行游客们介绍拍打拉筋,这些游客来自远在非洲大陆的肯尼亚。最令人欣慰的是,我发现信奉印度教的朋友们接受拍打拉筋如此爽快以及掌握自愈法与觉受的真谛如此深刻,这些都得益于我们的朋友 Parag Samel开展的工作,他已实践和推广拍打拉筋很长一段时间了。
上周六和周日的拍打拉筋讲座分别在Thane and Dombivli举行, Parag 组织了他的邻居、朋友、患者、医生、非政府组织组织者、精神领袖以及他的门徒,一起来探索和体验这种古典的中式疗法。他们聚精会神地听讲,深信拍打拉筋自愈理论。有位尝试拍打了手肘后的先生跟我说,他拍打头部有几年了,有痛就拍。的确,拍打可能是一种古老的中式疗法,但当你感觉不舒服时(胸闷、呼吸困难、头昏、头痛等)对自己做些拍打的行为,却是来自我们的天性的人类普遍反应。这就是为什么这种信息传递,能够超越语言、种族和宗教的藩篱,打开说马拉地语和印地语朋友的心扉。



讲座期间,拍打有效缓解两位女士的肩周炎及快速解除一参与者的肌肉痉挛。一位 要求额外拍打的印度教友,肩痛十年之久,因剧痛而不能提起左肩。仅经过15-20分钟有一定强度的拍打,所有紧张和疼痛消失,双臂能举起伸直,感觉手肩到处都轻松。
活动的组织者 Parag Samel是一位航海工程师,一直在自愈这方面进行深层次和综合的探究,在解释疾病的起因以及为何他认为拍打拉筋是最有效的疗法,他相当内行。Parag Samel整个家庭已经受益——他 88岁岳父现在常规拍打,夜间胸闷和呼吸沉重时,马上拍打,让问题得到解决。Parag 的妻子双腿麻木行走困难,因坚持做I-L-Y式拉筋(Y式拉筋法,他们称为“我爱你”“I Love You”拉法),她的双腿已回到正常,糖尿病不再构成威胁。在过去的几个月, Parag 自己体重减了 16kg, 这都归功于拍打拉筋。


Parag Samel自豪地站在他自制的拉筋凳旁


Parag Samel, 印度拍打拉筋自愈法推广人
Email: parag_samel@yahoo.com
电话 : +919004028818

For a Chinese, a trip to our neighbor India could mean foods with an array of spices, gorgeous landscapes, exotic culture and path to spirituality. Well, I am lucky enough to be experiencing all these and much more ---- the warmth and hospitality of local people, Indian classical music and the joy of interacting with health-seekers who speak totally unfamiliar languages.

Indian friend Pandit Rasik Hajare is playing Sitar, a classical musical ,instrument whose sound box (big “belly”) is made of red pumpkin.
For a PaidaLajin enthusiast like myself, the job of spreading the philosophy and techniques of self healing with patting and stretching can start anytime anywhere. An international flight brought me to a newly acquainted a fashion designer and artist friend whose Nepalese mom needed some Paida on her troubled knees; A tourist bus trip in Mumbai was an opportunity to introduce PaidaLajin to fellow tourists from another continent as far away as Kenya. And the best part of it all, was I discovered how readily Hindu friends embrace PaidaLajin and how profoundly they grasp the essence of healing and consciousness, through the work of our friend Parag Samel, who have been practicing and promoting PaidaLajin for quite some time.
At last Saturday and Sunday’s PaidaLajin seminars in Thane and Dombivli respectively, Parag organized neighbors, friends, patients, doctors, NGO organizers, a spiritual leader and his devotees to come to explore and experience the ancient Chinese therapy. They listened attentively and were quite convinced with the theory of self-healing with PaidaLajin. A gentleman, after trying Paida on his elbow, told me that several years back he used to pat his head when it ached. Indeed, Paida may be an ancient Chinese therapy, yet the action of giving yourself some slaps when feeling discomfort (chest tightness, breathing difficulty, dizziness and headache, etc.) is a universal human reaction that comes from our natural instinct. And that’s
why the message can transcend language, racial and religious barriers and open up the hearts of the Marathi and Hindi-speaking friends.

Listening attentively

Enjoying the pain and joy of Paida

83-year-old granny loves patting herself and being patted
During the seminars, Paida effectively relieved two women of frozen shoulder and instantly got rid of one participant’s muscle cramps. One Hindu friend seeking extra Paida afterwards had suffered 10 years of shoulder pain, and could not lift his left shoulder properly due to excruciating pain. After intensive Paida for 15~20 minutes only, all the stress and pain was gone, he was able to raise his arms high up straight and felt quite relaxed all over.
The organizer of the events, Parag Samel,a Marine Engineer in background, has explored the subject of healing comprehensively and in-depth, and is thus quite expert at explaining how diseases originate and why he finds PaidaLajin the most effective cure. His entire family have benefited ---- his 88-year-old father-in-law now regularly practises it, and when he felt chest tightness and heavy breathing during the night, he remembered Paida and it erased his problem. His wife used to have numb legs and walking difficulty, with persistent I-L-Y-style stretching (Y-style Lajin, which they dub as “I-Love-You style stretching”), her legs are back to normal, and diabetes is no more a threat; over the past few months, Parag himself has lost 16kg, thanks to PaidaLajin.

Parag teaching others how to stretch on his self-made Lajin bench, whose red and golden colours are specially picked to indicate that the exercise originated from China

Parag Samel standing proudly beside his self-made Lajin bench

Stretching regularly

Trying “carpet bombing” Paida
Parag, with the help of his family, has completed translation of the English version of Paida and Lajin Self-Healing into Marathi, a most common language among Hindus. He is dedicated to sharing PaidaLajin self-healing methodamongst is most beloved family members, friends and with those much troubled by pains and diseases and find no other effective cure.
Now, the ancient holistic Chinese therapy PaidaLajin has crossed nationalborders and transcended language, cultural, racial, religious and other barriers, reaching the hearts of millions in over 50 countries across all continents. The seeds are sown, and the tree of self-healing and self-life management has taken root. With proper, continued care, it will grow tall and bear fruits that will nourish man’s much troubled body, mind and soul.
Ellen Zhang
April 10th, 2014
Parag Samel, Indian promoter of PaidaLajin self-healing
Email: parag_samel@yahoo.com
Phone : +919004028818