
我被介绍到普纳医院做进一步检查。那肿瘤一直在长大,药物治疗已经不起作用,我腰腿疼痛不堪。经劝说,2013年8月6日我在普纳做了第二次手术。医生只能在肿瘤一半的位置进行手术,安装钢片支持脊椎。后来我又做化疗。疼痛得到轻微缓解,但医生们不能保证肿瘤会消退或不再生长。2013年9月20日,我做了核磁共振,显示肿瘤大小为7.0 X 5.2 X 6.0立方厘米。
2013年11月12日,我有幸遇见帕拉戈·萨麦尔。他当时正在塞纳主持Tadan And Taan Kriya Swayam Siddha Rog Nivarak Paddhati 中心。他向我和我的家人讲解拍打拉筋自愈疗法及有效性。在他的中心,我参加了一个为期四周的训练课程,而且继续接受他的辅导。我身体的柔韧性有大幅度的改善。我逐渐改善拉筋姿势,从15° 做到几乎80°,坐和行走都不像以前这么困难了。以前一直突出的坐骨神经很痛,通过萨麦尔的拍打,也缓解了。在2014年4月栋比夫利拍打拉筋讲座上,我遇见了爱伦小姐。
2014年5月19日,我做了核磁共振复查肿瘤的情况,显示该肿瘤已缩小到4.8 x 4.6 x 3.3立方厘米,本质上变得更空凹和更软乎了。这令我和家人无不振奋,不过我更关注的是上大学学习计算机科学。我申请了Kalyan学院,回到家时已疲惫不堪了。
印度 栋比夫利(东)
Vighnahar Heights
印度塞纳 2014年7月13日
E mail : parag_samel@yahoo.com
Mobile no.: 09004028818
This is the first incident of Cancer Cure of a patient by Paida & Lagin Therapy in Dombivli, India. The paitient, Miss Archana was asked to give her success story in her own words.

Archana doing Lajin on modified wooden bed at home.
Archana in her own words:
My name is Miss Archana Kadam. I was suffering from severe backache and right leg pain for nearly one year since 2008. I was treated by orthopaedic doctor in Dahanu and given medication to relieve my pain but did not have any relief.
I was studying for S.S.C. examination at the time. MRI diagnosis revealed that my spinal cord in L-4 and L-5 had an osteo-blastoma tumour. I exempted from the examination for the surgery and was operated on 20th Feb 2009 in a Mumbai hospital. My second MRI and CT Scan revealed that there was tumour growth. I was advised to undergo surgery again. However, my family was worried about undergoing through a second surgery again.
I started on Ayurvedic medication and detoxification therapy at Badlapur. It relieved my leg pain to some extent for some time.
I, then took junior college admission for class XI and XII, but gradually my sufferings became intolerable again.
I was referred to Pune hospital for further investigation. The tumour had grown further and medication was not showing any effect. I was having severe back and leg pain. I was advised second surgery which was done in Pune on 6th August 2013. Doctor could operate only half of the tumour and installed steel plates to support the spine. Later I was given Chemo therapy. The pain was slightly relieved but doctors could not promise that the tumour will subside or not grow again.
MRI was repeated on 20th September 2013 which showed the tumour size 7.0 X 5.2 X 6.0 cms.
I was taken to homeopathic doctor in Pune by my family. I had difficulties in bending, walking and sitting down, but I continued taking ayurvedic and homeopathic medicines to relieve my pain.
On 12th November 2013 I met Mr. Parag Samel, who is conducting Tadan And Taan Kriya Swayam Siddha RogNivarak Paddhati Centre in Thane. He explained to me and my family about Paida & Lagin Self Healing Therapy and its effectiveness. I underwent 4 weekends training at his centre and continued with his counselling. My body flexibility improved substantially. I was able to improve upon Lajin postures gradually from nearly15° to 8o° and was able to sit and walk with less difficulties. My sciatica nerve in the right leg had protruded out and was painful, which was relieved by Paida by Mr. Samel. I met Miss Ellen Zhang in Dombivli in April 2014 during a seminar on Paida & Lajin.
It was difficult to practice Lajin at home without stretching bench but with consultation with Mr. Samel, my family modified our wooden bed by fixing a vertical batten. I am practising on this modified wooden bed.
I had again missed my one year of studies during this period 2013-14 which was giving me depression and I, on and off, used to let go all practices as there was no hope of my recovery.
Mr. Samel used to call upon me to check whether I was practicing Paida & Lajin or not. I was losing my patience. I wanted to pursue my studies as my priority and forget everything else. I am 20 years of age now. 6 years have passed in realizing of what I am going through.
Then on 19th May 2014, my MRI was taken to see the condition of the tumour. It showed that the tumour had shrunk to 4.8 x 4.6 x 3.3 cms size. It was more hollow and softer in nature. This was heartening news for me and my family but my attention was on getting college admission for Computer studies. I sought admission in a Kalyan College but I used to get home, exhausted.
On 4th July 2014, Mr. Parag Samel visited my home in Dombivli. He reiterated that I should not discontinue Paida & Lajin practice as the MRI indicated that my condition is improving. He himself demonstrated Lajin to a perfect posture on my modified wooden bed and appreciated the modification and its purpose. He said that I should maintain strong heart for the practice. He explained the healing process of the therapy to me and my family members and insisted that my family should continue to give me moral support to maintain the progress.
I am happy that I met Mr. Parag Samel, who is very caring and who gives finer instructions for improving Paida and Lajin Self Healing Therapy practice. He also explains the physiology in a disease condition to help understanding of the healing process in Paida & Lajin. Now I again feel the zest to continue the practice.
Miss. Archana Mukund Kadam.
Vighnahar Heights,
Dombivli (East), India.
Parag Samel
Thane, India. 13th July 2014.
E mail : parag_samel@yahoo.com
Mobile no.: 09004028818