My name is Helen Tung,57 years old,was borned in Taiwan,until high school my whole family immigrated to US . My undergrad is SF State, Graduated in Berkeley. I worked on NY wall street as a computer consultant for over ten years which destroyed my health completely. Namely as following:

1. Diabetes since 30years old, because of abnormal life style. Insulin shots for 50units per day.
2. Maniers' disease, causing of dizziness , hard of hearing, without hearing aid I am a deaf. I am totally depressed and refuse to go out to talk to anyone because I can't hear them clearly.
3. Thyroid cancer when I was forty years old. The operation taken out both side of thyroids and lymph gland around them. I took three year of the radio iodine-131 treatment after the operation, that was really the health killer. Although I kept my life, but I lost my health.
4. I also have heart problem while I was born, it's called "Mitral valve prolapse syndrome ", it won't kill you, but make you very uncomfortable , and prevent you from doing heavy work.

During the one week health training camp, I learned that regain my health is possible, no more a unreachable dream.
1. While Master Xio pai-da (clapping ) my head, at the time I thought I am going to have brain shock , but all of a sudden my right ear hear a big bang and I can hear sound clearly. Hurray! What a miracle! I can hear without hearing aid on my right ear.

2. My dizziness has been stop since then. I can move freely without having balance problem. My knee arthritis problem has been cured too, now I can walk freely like a normal person!
3. My urinate problem has been cured. No more dripping and night time had to get up twice.

4. Reducing 30% of my insulin shots, and still going on reducing when health gets better. During the camp time, I didn't using insulin at all. I know it's hard to keep life style like camp time, but it shows us a possible way of total recover to health.
I have to thank Master Xio and Ha, they both help me on pai-da and la-gin, without their help I can't reach the health level I have today.
Most of all, pai-da la-gin is so effective ,easy to learn, cost no money, you can do it anywhere at anytime. I am so grateful to Mr. Xiao hong chi , who comes out this great life saving method can save millions and millions of people's lives.