我叫Teo Ai Im,50岁,来自马来西亚Sarawak,现在在文莱工作。
1. 我对自己的身体了解不多,关爱不够。我一直以为自己除了膝盖有毛病之外,还算蛮健康的,没有将膝关节问题和整个身体状况联系起来。我的膝盖问题是在提示我身体健康状况出现了问题。
2. 拍打过程中,我发现只要是我之前身体疼痛的部位,拍打时的痛感会更强烈,这就印证了老师强调的理论 —— “痛则不通”。
3. 看到拍出那么多痧,我意识到我的身体存在许多健康隐患。因为日常生活习惯不好,我的身体非常寒凉。感恩体验营教练们、蔡女士、沈女士和其他同学帮我拍打,我的体寒得到了很大改善。
4. 我对治愈膝关节问题和静脉曲张存在着许多不正确的观念。
5. 我需要坚持拍打拉筋,改变生活方式,更加关爱自己的身心健康。
Teo Ai Im
蔡女士(Ms. Chuah)
电话:+6012 428 3265
My name is Teo Ai Im. Age 50, I am from Sarawak, Malaysia, currently working in Brunei.
My main purpose of joining this workshop is to improve my swollen knee problem. I developed an “O-shape” knee and it can be inflamed at times. After I practiced Lajin at home (even not very regularly), I found it much improved. Thus, I came here with the aim to improve it and also to learn about Paida. I saw the blog and I knew it was going to be hard and painful, but I still came as I believed I should face my own problem.
It was so much more painful than I had thought. At times, I felt it was quite self torturing. But now I had better understanding and had much confidence in the self-healing methods.
After the few days in the workshop, I realised:
1. I did not know much and did not care much about my own body. All the while I thought I was healthy enough, except for my knee problem, without linking knee as part of my body. My knee was giving signals of my body health.
2. During Paida, I noticed that wherever I had pain before, the Paida pain would be more severe, which confirmed the theory the teacher highlighted — wherever there are blockages, there is pain.
3. After seeing so much “Sha” from Paida, I knew that my body had many hidden sicknesses. My body was very “cold”, which was due to my bad habits in my daily life. I am glad that during this workshop, with the help of teachers, Ms. Chuah, Madam Sim and other classmates’ Paida, my “coldness” was much relieved.
4. I had many wrong concepts on healing my knee problem and varicose vein.
5. I need to be more persistent:
in my Paida and Lajin;
to change my life style;
take more care of my mind and body.
I am happy and feel great being able to attend this workshop. I learned a lot and benefitted greatly. I will share Paida and Lajin self-healing methods with my family and friends.
Teo Ai Im, Female
5 May 2013
Ms. Chuah
Paida and Lajin Promoter & Workshop Organiser in Malaysia
HP: +6012 428 3265 Email: yi.consultancy@gmail.com