我从2013年1月份开始拍打拉筋,八个月以后,我减了8公斤的赘肉,腰瘦了5公分 (2英寸),屁股小了11.5公分(4.5英寸), 每条大腿小了7.5公分(3英寸),以及长高了1.5公分((0.6英寸)从157公分到158.5公分!)用 “副作用”来形容这不可思议的状况是再贴切不过了,因为我从来没有想到拍打拉筋真的能够减肥增高!
我今年40岁,从小就长有一个大屁股。小时候跳芭蕾舞,因为有一个大大的屁股 (舅父舅母说如果我跳天鹅湖,必定会是一只‘肥天鹅'!)所以得了一个‘肥天鹅' 的小名。长大以后,这大屁股给了我不少穿衣的烦恼。连衣裙是没我的份了,不是上身太大就是下身太小。找合适的上班服也很困难,幸好后来很多商店也将西装外套跟裤子/裙子分开来卖,让我可以小号外套,大号裤子/裙子搭配着穿。
我是直到参加了六月份的深圳拍打拉筋体验营之后,才认真每天拍打拉筋。每天在拉筋凳每条腿两个沙袋,慢慢拉到30分钟,拍打则大概每天3到5个小时。从六月底到八月中的时候我的裤子继续松下去,后来裤子松到根本不能穿,那时候我才意识到拍打拉筋可能真的跟我瘦了有关吧。才有信心拿皮尺度量一下屁股,看看是不是真的瘦了。量了后发现我的屁股是真的小了,而且是小了4.5英寸! 我也不太敢相信,马上外出找了个衣服店找条裤子试试看,才发现我的屁股已经小了两号,能穿得上小号裤子了!

I have experienced some amazing 'side effects' of paidalajin which I want to share with all of you out there...
I started paidalajin in January this year, and after 8 months of paidalajin, I have shed 8 kg, lost 5 cm (2 inches) on my waist, 11.5 cm (4.5 inches) on my butt, 7.5 cm (3 inches) on each of my thigh, and grown 1.5 cm (0.6 inches) from 157 cm to 158.5 cm! Using 'side effect' to describe this unbelievable phenomenon is perfect, as I had never expected paidalajin would help me lose weight and grow taller!
I am 40 years old, and for as long as I remember, I have always had a big butt, and thus had a nick name 'Chubby Swan' (as I took ballet lessons when I was little, so uncles and aunties made fun of me saying that I would be like a chubby swan if I were to dance the Swan Lake). After grown up, I have always had trouble finding the right dress to wear as dresses were either too large at the top or too small at the bottom. And lucky for me for work clothes as they started selling suits with jackets and pants separately because I always needed a small size top and large size bottom.
I had tried many different ways in trying to change this too. I tried going on diet, but I didn't dare do that anymore as whenever I lost weight, I always got skinnier on my top, but not a centimeter on my bottom. But when I started eating normal and bounced back to my normal weight, the weight gain was always on my butt, making the size difference between my top and bottom even larger than before I went on diet. I had of course tried going to the gym too, and even hired a personal trainer for 3 months to tailor made a 'bottom-sliming programme' for me to go workout every other day, but nothing changed except that I had strained my back using the leg press machine. So I thought, so be it, I am not the only woman in this world to have borne a pear-shaped body anyway, it's ok, my husband loves me all the same. I just accepted that this is the way I am born with.
So even when my pants started to feel loose and I lost 6 kg in June, I hadn't thought much about it, and thought maybe my health had just deteriorated so much to a point that I lost a lot of weight. I never put the linkages between paidalajin and weight loss together because even though I had been doing paidalajin for 6 months, I wasn't doing it diligently. I only did lajin about three times a week for about 15 minutes per leg putting chairs against the wall, and only did paida spontaneously and stopped when I saw the first signs of red sha. It wasn't until after I went to the June 7-day workshop in Shenzhen then I started to seriously doing paidalajin. Since late June, I gradually increased my lajin time on the lajin bench with two sandbags to 30 minutes, and paida 3 to 5 hours almost everyday. From late June to mid-August, my pants continued to feel loose, until eventually I couldn't wear my old pants anymore. Until then I started to realise that maybe paidalajin really had something to do with my weight loss, and I had the gut to measure my butt to see if it had really gotten smaller. And it did, it got smaller by 4.5 inches! It was so unbelievable that I had to go out to find a store right away to try on some pants to be sure of this. I discovered my butt became two sizes smaller, and could now fit itself into small size pants!

Thinking back, there were times I could actually feel how my body was shedding the waste on my butt. It was just that I had always thought my pear-shaped body was born with that I didn't believe this was actually happening. For many nights (especially since I started doing paidalajin diligently) when I lie on my back to sleep, I could feel my meridians, especially my Pang Guang Jing, flowing like rivers, racing through some painful and itchy spots on my lower back to my butt down to the back of my legs like rapids. For some of these nights, the flow was so strong that I even had trouble sleeping. It really is amazing how I could feel my body repairing itself, and even for now, I could always feel how my body is trying to communicate with me. There are always some spots hurting or itching on my body, 'calling' me to paida, and when I do respond and paida these hurting or itching spots, always some black or green sha would appear. Amazing body, amazing paidalajin.
Almost forgot to mention, in mid-September, when I went visiting my parents, I noticed they seemed shorter than I remember. But it was just half a year I hadn't seen them, could their tendons really have degenerated that much? Then I thought could it be me that had grown taller? So I measured my height and discovered that I had grown taller by 1.5 cm! Unbelieveable side effects!
I am grateful to have come across paidalajin, and I hope all of you reading this will continue this amazing and powerful self healing journey.
Hong Kong. October 13, 2013