其实很多西医也鼓励发烧感冒病人不要吃退烧药,说发烧是身体对抗感冒病毒的最佳方法。另外,任何人的身体其实都可能潜伏了不少还未发病的病毒(如感冒病毒,单纯疱疹 (唇疮)病毒,肝炎/肝癌病毒,人类疱疹病毒(可能致鼻咽癌的病毒),等等)都等着身体抵抗力弱的时候发病。所以如果拍打拉筋后无端发烧,应该就是因为拍打拉筋启动了地毯式轰炸发烧系统,将身体潜伏着还未发病的病毒扫描出来消灭掉的“自愈现象”!
After I started paidalajin, I had an unusual paidalajin experience.One time, I heedlessly exposed my wet hair in the cold wind for aboutan hour, and then got myself bronchitis the same night with fever. Myhusband immediately paida my neck and shoulders for about 40 minutes,and black sha quickly appeared. That night, I had burning fever. Butinterestingly, I only had fever from my neck down, and the temperatureof my head felt normal. Next morning, my fever stopped, had no morebronchitis, and only left with a pounding headache, which I chopped my head on and off with the paida stick for three hours and had that
cured too.
Actually, many Western doctors would encourage flu patients to not take any fever relief drugs, saying fever is the best natural medicine for flu virus. There are also loads of viruses (e.g. flu virus, herpes simplex virus (cold sore virus), hepatitis/liver infection or cancer virus, Epstein–Barr virus (shown to have a positive relationship with nasopharynx cancer), etc.) lie dormant in our bodies waiting to be activated when we are at low immunity. So when we experience fever reaction from paidalajin, it's because paidalajin has kick started our
self-healing carpet bombing mechanism of fever-killing-dormant-viruses, a 'natural self healing effect' at work!
2014. 07.04