
她体重130kg. 每条腿拉筋10分钟后,马上能下蹲,而这是她过去四十年所做不到的。
12月10日,万隆,共有三场,7.00 AM - 9.00 AM, 9.00 AM - 11.00 AM (在健身馆) then 6.30 PM - 9.00 PM (在家)。第一场65人,第二场25人,第三场6人。积极的回应超过90%。
2013年12月13日雅加达,7.00 AM - 8.30 AM,30人(第五场)。11月25日来过的那位女士又来了,借此机会,她把停止药物治疗高血压的成果与大家分享了。坐在我妻子身后着绿色衬衫的女士,拍打其他男士的那位,是萨莉的姑妈,78岁,实施拍打拉筋已经三年了,缘于阅读你的书籍开始。她居住在新加坡,曾有高胆固醇,双腿痛,现在很健康了。我朋友自制了四张拉筋凳,两张万隆,两张雅加达。万隆训练课程结束后,他捐了一张给健身馆,另一张给了我妻子的侄女伊拉。她父亲七年前中风了,经过她五天的拍打,每天好几个小时,她父亲已经有反应了,改善不少。
我有个想法,如果你有三四天的空闲,1月5日以后,在马来西亚体验营结束到去南非前期间,希望你能来印尼,在雅加达和万隆做三或四场讲座。我将承担你全部费用。那时你书的翻译稿也许已完成。我们是个五人小组,一起干活。两人,夫妻在Power Point演示和翻译方面都有经验。他们已经完成了PDF和Power Point形式的拉筋幻灯片翻译,以及拍打幻灯片的翻译。
今天是12月16日。从昨夜至今晨,侄女传来了佳音,她在亲戚和朋友圈积极推介拍打拉筋。已经有四到五个人将来马来西亚参加体验营。我已经收到Naida的邮件,问我体验营的具体地址和方位。我不记得她是谁,称我Dr. Wang。我将把她的邮件转发给你。
Hi Master Xiao,
I want to tell you my activities after the Workshop in Perth Nov 16th. until Dec 14th.
Nov 16th., 2013 - nov 24th, 2013 Perth, 5 person tried Lajin Bench.
Nov 22nd, 2013
Her weight is 130 kg. After she did Lajin for 10 minutes each leg, straight away she could squat, which she could not do for the last 40 years.
Nov 24th, 2013 - 27th, 2013 Jakarta, sharing to about 25 people, mostly are my colleague from the company when I work in Indonesia from 1968 until 1996. One lady start doing Paida and Lajin and come again when I conduct another sharing on Dec 13th, and she stop her Hypertension tablet.
Nov 27th, 2013 - Dec 9th, 2013 : Japan. In Japan I can not do much, because Japanese do not believe such thing, even my niece's husband , a Japanese, who had many Health problem also do not believe.
Dec 9th, 2013 - Dec 14th, 2013 : Bandung and Jakarta. Bandung , Dec 10th, 2013, three session, 7.00 AM - 9.00 AM, 9.00 AM - 11.00 AM (at Sport Hall) then 6.30 PM - 9.00 PM (at home).
First session, 65 persons, second 25 persons, third 6 persons. Positive response more than 90%.
Dec 13th, 2013 : Jakarta , 7.00 AM - 8.30 AM : 30 persons(4th session). The lady who came on the 25th of Nov came again on this occasion and she gave her testimonial, she stop her medication for her Hypertension.
The lady sat behind my wife and the gentlemen that she Paida with the green shirt is Dr. Sally's auntie, 78 years old and already doing PaidaLajin for three years, only from reading your book. She lived in Singapore. She had high Cholesterol and pain at her both leg. Now she is very healthy.
My friend made 4 Lajin Bench, two for Bandung and two for Jakarta. In Bandung after the occasion, he donated one for the Sport Hall and one for Ira Permadhi, my wife's niece. Her father got stroke 7 years ago. After she paida her father for 5 days several hours a day, now her father already gave reactions, and improve a lot.
Even on the plane from Jakarta to Perth Dec. 14th. I did Paida to one lady for one minute and her left elbow become blue, and she believe to what I told her.
If there is something from my activities are incorrect or wrong doing, please advise me.
I have an idea, if you have spare time between the Workshop in Malaysia after the 5th of January and South Afrika for 3 or 4 days, I hope that you can come to Indonesia to give maybe 3 or 4 Seminars in Jakarta and Bandung. I will pay all of your expenses.
Maybe at that time the translation draft of your book will be finished. We work in a team of 5 persons. 2 persons, husband and wife have experience in doing Power Point presentation and translation. They already made the translation of Paida slide and Lajin slide in PDF form and Power Point.
Then we will organize a Workshop maybe in Bandung (3 hours drive from Jakarta) sometimes in March, or April or May, depend on your schedule.
After the first Workshop, I have a dream to organize a second workshop for the poor peoples around 40 persons free of charge. For the second workshop I do not know wether can be executed or not, because there are so many things to consider, especially who is qualified and finance. For finance, maybe I can find some Sponsor from the rich people. I am sure you have many experience about this. Please advise me, how can I do this.
Today Dec. 16th,
From last night until this morning, I got good news from my niece,who is very active telling about PaidaLajin to friends and relatives . Already 4 or 5 person will go to Malaysia to join the Workshop.
I even got one email from Naida, asking address and direction for the place of the workshop . I don't remember who she is and call me Dr. Wang. I will forward her email to you.
Thanks and Regards from me and my wife, hope to see you soon.
Dec 17, 2013